
… for tomographic imaging


  1. denoiseg: Joint Denoising and Segmentation
  2. Active Learning with HRNet: Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Visual Recognition
  3. ilastik: Leverage machine learning algorithms to easily segment, classify, track and count your cells or other experimental data. Most operations are interactive, even on large datasets: you just draw the labels and immediately see the result. No machine learning expertise required.
  4. napari: fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for Python
  5. nnunet: Auto-adaptive semantic segmentation method
  6. sun: Highly accurate segmentation of large 3D volumes (MDLMAs scaling-the-unet)


  1. Artificial intelligence for synchrotron-radiation tomography: Julian P. Moosmann et al., Proc. SPIE PC12655, Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence (ETAI) 2023, PC1265502, doi: 10.1117/12.2675628
  2. Degradation behavior and osseointegration of Mg-Zn-Ca screws in different bone regions of growing sheep—a pilot study: R Marek et al., , doi: 10.1093/rb/rbac077
  3. CrossMoDA 2021 challenge: Benchmark of cross-modality domain adaptation techniques for vestibular schwannoma and cochlea segmentation: Reuben Dorent et al., Medical Image Analysis, doi: 10.1016/
  4. Verbesserung des 2D U-Nets für die 3D Mikrotomographie mit Synchrotronstrahlung mittels Multi-Axes Fusing: Ivo M. Baltruschat et al., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-36932-3_28
  5. An active learning approach for the interactive and guided segmentation of tomography data: Bashir Kazimi et al., SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, doi: 10.1117/12.2637973
  6. Reconstruction, processing and analysis of tomography data at the Hereon beamlines P05/P07 at PETRA III (Conference Presentation): Julian P. Moosmann et al., SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, doi: 10.1117/12.2637973
  7. Assessing the long-term in vivo degradation behavior of magnesium alloys - a high resolution synchrotron radiation micro computed tomography study: Sandra Sefa et al., Front. Biomater. Sci., doi: 10.3389/fbiom.2022.925471
  8. Scaling the U-net: segmentation of biodegradable bone implants in high-resolution synchrotron radiation microtomograms: Ivo M. Baltruschat et al., Sci Rep, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03542-y
  9. Multimodal ex vivo methods reveal that Gd-rich corrosion byproducts remain at the implant site of biodegradable Mg-Gd screws: Niccolò Peruzzi et al., Acta Biomaterialia, doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2021.09.047
  10. Assessing the microstructure and in vitro degradation behavior of Mg-xGd screw implants using µCT: Diana Krüger et al., Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, doi: 10.1016/j.jma.2021.07.029
  11. High-resolution ex vivo analysis of the degradation and osseointegration of Mg-xGd implant screws in 3D: Diana Krüger et al., Bioactive Materials, doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.10.041