pseudo-histology synthesis training from corresponding micro-CT slices on manually registered samples

Author: C.Lucas (Hereon)
Jupyter: available as a jupyter kernel (pytorch) on
Maxwell: mamba activate /software/jupyter/.conda/latest/pytorch
Module: module load maxwell mdlma/histology
Scripts: the scripts are available on Maxwell at /software/mdlma/histology and include in the module-path

This module contains the scripts to run the pseudo-histology synthesis training from corresponding micro-CT slices on manually registered samples. It uses the cycleGAN implementation from Erik Linder-Norén and further adds an extra reconstruction loss on the B modality fake into the generator loss formula. The module consists of:

  • main training script to be run on the "train_dir" data (see
  • contains the training parameters to be defined beforehand
  • contains the ResNet-based generator and discriminator model definitions
  • contains the data loader for training and test
  • pytorch_train_maskOutInnerScrew contains all manually registered 8 cases with large parts of the screw area masked out to cope with the imbalance of tissue prevalence in the images and weight down the screw area dominance
  • pytorch_train_noMask contains all 8 cases with with only the background being masked out
  • test script to load the models and test them on the "test_dir" data
  • test-volume.ipynb ipython notebook to test on original volume data, and not the manually registered - thus it includes several manual corrections due to the different value range / data type of the training data
  • utility functions required for training or visualization
Set training parameters in before starting the training! The current settings are those that have produced visually best results so far. Keep in mind: If you want to validate your training performance, use cross-validation for the provided 8 cases (e.g. LOOCV) to get an idea of over- or underfitting.